佛說長壽滅罪護諸童子陀羅尼經 簡繁轉換 - 繁體
波頭彌波 頭彌提婢 奚尼奚尼 奚彌諸梨
諸羅諸麗 侯羅侯羅 由麗由羅 由麗波羅波麗聞
制瞋迭 頻迭般逝末迭遲那迦梨 蘇波訶

寄件人: Yutang Lin
收件人: Dharma Friends
日期: 2013/7/27 9:28
主旨: Blessing Mantras
As requested by disciple Ben Jing below I have written the two mantras from the Sutra in ball-pen.
The doc file attached contains typed version of the mantras in traditional Chinese.
This will also be included in the Appendix of Lian Yi book.
This Sutra emphasizes the karmic bad consequences of abortion, and the mantras were given to protect fetuses and babies, and also to help clear all sorts of sinful debts so one may attain long life.
As to helping aborted beings, we still need the blessing of Powa practice and dedication of other kinds of accumulation of merits.
May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!
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