放生感懷 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 眼前寥寥蝦蟹友,幸得入海慶重生; 跋 昨日上山行火供前,先下海放生龍蝦十三命及螃蟹四十命。每次放生,數量有限,但行之多年,不再為眼前數量所限,而直覺此舉實是在為一切眾生之離苦得樂而作。少數之蝦蟹實即芸芸苦難眾生之代表,而放生之舉即是解脫一切眾生之努力及行為。每次放生,有緣見聞者皆受潛移默化。佛法之修持往往於不知不覺中淨化世間,增添溫馨。 一九九九年清明節 Sentiments at Releasing Lives Yutang Lin Crabs and lobsters, the few friends before eyes, Comment: Yesterday before going up to the mountain to perform fire puja, we went to the ocean to release 13 lobsters and 40 crabs. The number of lives released each time is rather limited. However, after years and years of such practices, one is no longer bound by the number before eyes, but instinctively feel that this activity is done for the salvation of all sentient beings from suffering. The few crabs and lobsters are indeed representatives of all beings, and the releasing is an effort toward and an act of liberating all sentient beings. Each time when releasing lives is performed, whoever happens to see or hear about it are moved to some extent. Buddhist practices often purify and add warmth to the world in unobtrusive ways. Written in Chinese: [Home][Back to list][Sentiments at Releasing Lives] |