如何應對 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 敵對往還纏不完,浮生幻滅未及悟; 跋 「以牙還牙」的敵對做法,並不能保證永遠的輸贏,而只是種下循環報復的因,導致彼此同陷糾纏,不得安寧的果。世間往往有人至死未及省悟,則來世必定循業流轉,豈能離苦得安?若能只依菩提心,只循是否有助彼此畢竟解脫、覺悟,來決定應對之道、行止之分寸,則無有反擊、鬥爭,而是盡量與人方便,隨緣勸導,自行正道,如此而已。 一九九九年六月九日
The Way to Respond Yutang Lin Counteracting in animosity cycles endlessly; Comment: The antagonistic approach of "a tooth for a tooth" can not guarantee eternal victory or loss; it would only plant the seed for cycles of retribution and thereby yield the fruit of no peace for all entangled within. Some people would not have awakened to this truth even until death, and then they would definitely follow their karmas and flow into next life of similar predicament. How could they escape suffering and attain peace and harmony in this way? If all one's actions are determined solely in accordance with Bodhicitta, and are results of considerations as to how best to help one another awake and achieve liberation, then the paths and methods taken and the degree of involvement will be reasonable and compassionate, transcending counterattacks and quarrels. The course taken will consist of helping others' convenience, advising as occasion arises, and walking on the Bodhi path oneself; and that is all. Written in Chinese: June 9, 1999 [Home][Back to list][The Way to Respond] |