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The Seed of Bodhi

Yutang Lin

From September 1st through September 3rd, 1989, upon the invitation of the Mahayana Buddhist Association of Miami, I gave a three talk lecture series in Miami, Florida, U.S.A. on "The Buddhist Practice of Chanting Amitabha." My late guru, Yogi C. M. Chen, vowed to give forty-eight lecture series on The Pureland School. Before he entered Nirvana in November of 1987, he had given forty-five such lecture series. I have carried on his wish and given the three remaining lectures, thereby, completing Yogi Chen's vow. At noon on the fourth of September, Buddhist friends David Tseng, Boris Dopta and Sophie Palmer gave me a ride to the airport and while waiting to board my flight, we continued to discuss Dharma.

Boris asked, "How does one connect Sunyata with Great Compassion?"

I gave a succinct answer as follows:

Sunyata may be understood as No Self or Conditional Origination. No Self leads to the realization that the whole Dharmadhatu is inseparably one, hence the Great Compassion naturally arises from this oneness of all things. Conditional Origination points out that we sentient beings are bounded by conditions, hence others' situations might well be ours. Thus it follows that we should care for and help each other as would those in a boat that is lost at sea. The Great Compassion is essentially this kind of spirit.

The Dharmadhatu is boundless in space and time; the conditional originations of all Dharmas are intertwined and mutually effective like waves. We are limited by our attachments to our sensory experiences and hence unable to understand in detail the complex causes and conditions in particular situations. How then could we judge others based on our limited knowledge? As soon as we stop judging others, we are free from the veil of delusive conceptualization and we instantly return to our original state of pure innocence.

Causes and conditions are constantly changing and are difficult to understand, hence small events may lead to movements of great proportions. Thus, we should be continuously mindful of not committing even the slightest negative action which might add to the suffering of others. Furthermore, we should continuously maintain a helpful attitude and be ready to serve others in order to increase their happiness and well-being.

Not judging others, and constantly maintaining an innocent and altruistic attitude--this is the seed of Bodhi. One who plants and nurses this seed will eventually obtain the Bodhicitta.

Early in the morning of the fourth of September I came to grasp the idea of the seed of Bodhi, then, as I fell into sleep again, I went into a deep meditative state in a dream: My body became that of a small child, inside a large room, together with a group of small boys and girls. We held hands to form a circle and sang happily. I was shown a small booklet with a picture of a milk cow on the inside of its backcover. Then symphonic music arose, and I waved my right hand as if conducting the symphony.

These are signs indicating: returning to a happy and childlike innocence, obtaining the milk of Dharma, and gaining favorable and harmonious responses from many people. I believe that this idea of the seed of Bodhi will be beneficial to the public, therefore, I immediately wrote this article to share it with everyone. Written in the early morning of September the sixth, 1989

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