冒濫 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 名相雷同質雲泥,謬以天淵豈類倫; 跋 陳師常示,密宗行人之通病是「冒濫」,亦即名實不符。佛理精微,證量難達。往往有人,或欠自知之明,或存欺誑之心,自號「師」、「佛」,以盲導迷,造墮落之因,結牽纏之緣,令人為之悲憫不已。
Counterfeit Yutang Lin Under same name are differences between cloud and mud. Comment: Yogi Chen often taught that a common illness of many tantric practitioners is "counterfeiting," i.e., to claim beyond reality. Buddhist theories are very subtle and profound, while their realization is difficult to achieve. Nevertheless, now and again there are people who, either out of inability to know their own limits or with intention to deceit others, professed to be Gurus or Buddhas. They blindly lead deluded followers and thus plant the seed of downfall while engaging in building entangling connections. How pitiable is such folly!
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