緣會 林鈺堂 簡繁轉換 - 繁體 緣會時節難思議,事後回味漸領悟; 跋 上次離台回美之際,托佛友便時代寄一些東西,以減輕行囊。近日佛書到時,此批亦隨之安抵。其中兩罐茶葉,在昨天的毗沙門天王火供及隨後的煙供中,完全供獻。其一之施主,正好在兩天前病逝,而得以藉供茶葉求消業(葉與業同音)。另一之施主,平素專修毗沙門天王之儀軌,其供品便自然逢值此尊之火供。如此機緣自然會合,令人不得不感歎,冥冥之中,時節之前後亦有其因緣之關聯。吾人若能凡事不強求,便能漸漸看出種種緣會之聚散有其因果上之道理。如此,便能對「隨緣」有深一層的瞭解,亦即:吾人不可知之因果關係太多,因此凡事不宜勉強,寧可隨順全法界中自然運作之因緣聚散。
Gathering of Conditions Yutang Lin Time of gathering of conditions is inconceivable; Comment: Last time when I left Taiwan for US I asked a Buddhist friend to mail some items for me to lighten my luggage. Recently they came around the time the newly printed books arrived. Among these are two cans of tea that were completely offered yesterday in the fire puja to the Heavenly King Vaishravana and the subsequent smoke puja. One can was offered by a friend who passed away two days ago; thus the tea was offered to pray for removal of his karmic hindrance. The other one was offered by a Buddhist who usually practices the ritual of Heavenly King Vaishravana; consequently his offering arrived just in time for the fire puja to this protector. Conditions gathered naturally in such a way that one could not help but be amazed. In ways inconceivable the time of gathering of conditions has its causal connections. If we relax our desiring and demanding on things to go in certain ways, then gradually we will be able to comprehend that the gathering and dispersing of conditions are causally directed. Thus, our understanding of "following the conditions" would reach a deeper level, namely: there are too many causal connections that are beyond our knowledge; therefore, in all matters we had better not to force our way through; instead, we rather go along with the natural operation of coming together and going away of causal conditions in the whole Dharmadhatu.
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