金剛地獄 林鈺堂 密戒謹守成就速,明知故犯墮落深; 跋 密宗高深之教授,與早得成就及直接濟渡有關。因此,其特有之戒律,謹守則易得成就,違犯則受罰特重。有所謂「金剛地獄」之設,專為拘留改造密乘犯戒之行者。我平日修頗瓦時,皆為六道亡者眾,一道一道分別撒米加持。近來思及有些人已在此獄之名單上,便開始添加為此獄眾生之撒米加持。
Vajra Hell Yutang Lin Vajra silas carefully observed would speed up attainment. Comment: Advanced teachings in Vajrayana are related to speedy attainment of realization and direct activities of salvation. Therefore, its special silas (rules of conduct) should be carefully observed to promote earlier attainment. In addition, violation of such rules would incur very severe punishment. There is even a so-called "Vajra Hell" that was established specifically for the imprisonment and reform of tantric practitioners who had committed such violations. During Powa services I usually throw rice as blessing to beings in the six realms, one realm at a time. Recently it has occurred to me that some people are already on the inmate list of Vajra Hell, hence I have added throwing rice to beings in this hell.
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