曼達拉娃祖師讚 林鈺堂

貴為公主樂出離 領眾修行趨本淨
慧眼能識蓮師德 以身相許超世俗
柴薪大火轉成湖 舉國傾倒咸皈化
無死岩穴修雙運 骨飾莊嚴虹光身
救脫難女成空行 提攜後進勝楷模
住世化現紐古媽 恩德彰顯無量壽

                     養和齋   於加州

Praise to Patriarch Mandarava

Praise to Patriarch Mandarava

Praise to Patriarch Mandarava Yutang Lin

Born of royal status as a princess yet enjoyed renunciation
Led five hundred maidens to practice toward original purity
Wisdom eyes capable of recognizing Guru Rinpoche's virtues
In devotion to Guru offered her body beyond worldly ways
Huge fire on large pile of firewood turned into a clear pond
The whole kingdom overwhelmed and all took refuge in Guru
In the Cave of Death Ceased practiced Tantric Love
Bone ornaments adorned her rainbow-like light body
Saved a girl from peril and led her to become a Dakini
Thus set a supreme epitome of upbringing posterity
Staying in this world and appeared as patriarch Niguma
Graceful virtues illustrative of boundless longevity

Written in Chinese and translated on January 4, 2009
El Cerrito, California

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