〈望月懷遠〉新體簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
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Calligraphy F1748
月從海面昇起 一片銀輝閃閃波動著
遠在天邊的人 也正分享著此景吧
為情所繫 不禁怨起 遙遠分離的長夜
兩地相互思念的心情 徹夜不停地湧現
捨不得滿室的月光被擾 將燭焰熄滅
披上外衣擋夜涼 仰望夜空皎月 漸覺露寒
滿目銀光 奈何無從一掬以贈
只得回頭睡下 夢中依然牽掛著再會的時期
養和齋 於加州
Moonlight of Longing
Based on the Famous Tang Poem by Zhang Jiu Ling
Written in Chinese and Translated by Yutang Lin
Moon rising from ocean, a stretch of silver brilliance waving
The one at the other end of the sky maybe also sharing this scene
Entangled by love, couldn't help blaming
this long night of distant separation
Mutual yearning at both ends
incessantly sprang up throughout the night
Wouldn't spoil the moonlight that fulfilled the room
extinguished the candle flame
Put on a garment to ward off nightly chill
looking up at the bright moon in the night sky
gradually sensed cold from dewdrops
Eyeful of silver brilliance
Alas! No way to scoop up some for you
Couldn't help but to return to sleep
In dream still worrying about when to meet again
Written in Chinese on January 19, 2009
Translated on August 29, 2009
El Cerrito, California