〈旅夜書懷〉新體簡繁轉換 - 繁體林鈺堂
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Feelings of a Night during Travel
Calligraphy F1753
夜裡卸了帆 只餘高高的桅杆
平野開闊 一望無際
天邊的星星閃閃 垂接地面
大江奔流 波濤洶湧
月在江流中閃亮 忽起忽沒
養和齋 於加州
Gentle breezes were caressing fine grasses on banks
Waving up and down, again and again
At night sails were down, only the tall mast remained standing
This flat boat like a leaf swaying on water
Plain fields open wide, no boundary as far as eyes could see
Stars twinkled near the edge of sky, lowering to touch the earth
Great river flew dashingly, waves turbulent and wild
Moon glittered in currents, suddenly rose and suddenly sank
How could fame become prominent due to mastery in writing
Official duties, as senility and sickness besieging, should be resigned
This life of floating here and there, what could it be like
A sand gull gliding aimlessly between heaven and earth
Written in Chinese on January 21, 2009
Translated on August 31, 2009
El Cerrito, California