
簡繁轉換 - 繁體




本來清淨無限一體中 普賢王如來父母示現
智悲雙運妙相表法身 法流任運教化大千界

為渡輪迴六道諸苦眾 創立佛法釋迦牟尼尊
無上密法安立於雪域 恩源虹身蓮花生祖師

以身供師無上大樂母 曼達拉娃垂教示楷模
為師作傳總集密法藏 移喜磋嘉弘傳密教恩

法脈始祖根本上師三 諾那活佛開示大圓滿
貢噶祖師大灌授四印 親尊師祖灌盡五百尊

本來清淨文殊陳祖師 顯密圓融弘揚三乘恩
苦行證德歷代所罕見 慈住娑婆但為渡眾生

金剛蓮華觀音林上師 深入淺出廣闡經論旨
法行服務教化東西方 法脈金法延續一肩擔

無微不至照拂護法恩 韋馱菩薩提攜一路跟
前程安排仰賴毗沙門 萬事交代多虧海龍王

具誓鐵匠多吉勒巴尊 如護蓮師扶持密法根
忠義關公伽藍大護法 一本赤忱除障安法脈

法脈安立但為渡苦眾 法脈延續唯仰諸尊祐
皈依法脈融入菩提心 弘揚法脈渡眾報宏恩



本來清淨陳祖師 金剛蓮華林上師
文殊觀音正法脈 智悲融通傳十方



法身無相妙有顯如來 本淨離垢雙運融空樂
最初佛陀智悲無止境 慈憫住世恩光常寂照



徹底出離無染求加持 恆念無常精進求加持
六通十力速證求加持 辯才無礙調他求加持
無惑了知眾生之心思 無障了知眾生之心識
無邊開顯眾生之心性 如此事業殷重求加持
末世邪見熾然更勝前 以外混內以邪而亂正
勝地漸次消失古風度 新地幼苗稗莠兩混雜
純正佛法反不易弘揚 願尊助我行者早到家
基小建大通顯而崇淨 體禪用密圓頓蔑以加
具足調伏一切之神通 重興正法殷重求加持



藏密恩源虹光身 無死濟世任運現
空樂光明加持遍 俱生妙喜環宇春



早悟虛榮出離修 曼妙祖母牽上道
慧心能了貪道淨 曼妙祖母開法眼
神通任運恒自在 曼妙祖母令皈化
離俗苦修證極果 曼妙祖母助早成
拔苦直至融空樂 曼妙祖母恒護佑
紐古六法無盡恩 曼妙祖母賜無死



密法祖母前 法孫來頂禮
金脈至末法 稀微勝一線
有緣屈指數 堪修又幾位
自障比比是 投入多遭難
考驗縱山積 赤忱未稍移
但為渡眾苦 捐軀何所計
唯求母慈憫 護祐真行人
早令契空樂 堪能弘貪道
如母恩長遠 遍濟如母眾



以誰大力大方便 大圓滿法最先傳
慈眼獨注蓮師灌 禮讚大恩諾師前


虹身光明與雷雹 大德大灌根本師
飽餐法乳授四印 願速親見金剛持



德格廣宣妙法要 特授不共大灌頂
灌盡五百多寶尊 學海無盡前頂禮



本來清淨示現文殊師 無盡慈悲令眾達證悟
助成證德無限一體中 圓融智悲救渡無止盡



法界本淨金剛總持尊 無限智悲持蓮花事業
一體圓融化現居士身 求顯本面祈請賜加持



護持佛法大將軍 四大天王咸追隨
漢地寺宇普供奉 顯揚聖教無餘力
眷顧行人為親子 適時鼓勵與補給
如護陳師未暫離 恩光及我以利眾



正法罕值 密法難入 迷眾沉淪深
災難日亟 修途屢塞 覺士每艱辛
多聞好施 勇護佛道 福智無盡藏
憫子志純 擁護牽引 渡生無盡期



龍王龍后慈悲深 推廣弘揚理繁瑣
鉅細靡遺周全護 恩遍全球德澤長



能承蓮師大事業 悲心綿延護法脈
密法修行多險阻 唯仰尊威得通暢



忠義正氣垂典範 環宇華人咸敬仰
伽藍菩薩盡職守 佛法傳續賴護衛


祈請 林上師長住世偈

本來清淨瑜伽士 雙運妙化蓮華生
空樂大喜無等倫 願祈師壽恒駐世


祈請 林上師長久住世永轉法輪偈

蓮師密法依尊傳 文殊慧燈依尊續
唐密精義依尊明 祈師長壽轉法輪



代代相傳正法髓 承先啟後轉法輪
綿延法脈聖眾守 遍照普濟無盡燈



敬禮大恩門一切依護 總集文殊示現陳祖師
祈加被善信令得如願 離苦得樂福慧咸增長
敬禮大恩門一切依護 總集文殊示現陳祖師
祈加被空行令得安穩 離苦得樂福慧速圓滿



敬禮大恩門一切依怙 總集觀音示現林上師
令我隨緣開顯貪自性 賜我早日證達明空樂
應機救渡長住虹光身 開示妙法普渡六道眾



護持佛法大將軍 四大天王咸追隨
漢地寺宇普供奉 顯揚聖教無餘力
眷顧行人為親子 適時鼓勵與補給
如護陳師未暫離 恩光及我以利眾



龍心慈憫比海深 雨露普降潤大千
寶瓶垂納為菩提 福緣眾生咸蒙恩



龍王龍后慈悲深 推廣弘揚理繁瑣
鉅細靡遺周全護 恩遍全球德澤長





佛安居   於加州

養和齋        於加州



Ritual of Supplication for Lineage Blessings

Under the supervision of Guru Lin
Compiled by Disciple Ji Hu


Supplication to the Refuge Tree of the Dharma Lineage of
Adi Buddha Mandala   

Amid limitless oneness of original purity
Father and Mother in union, Adi Buddha appears
Harmony of wisdom and compassion
The wondrous image represents Dharmakaya
As the flow of Dharma spreads naturally
The whole Dharmadhatu is blessed through conversion
To liberate all suffering beings from transmigration in the six realms
Sakyamuni Buddha founded the Dharma teachings
Tantric teachings without peers well established in the snow land
The source of such grace is the rainbow-body Padmasambhava

Offered body to Guru, the unsurpassable mother of great pleasure
Mandarava set example to reveal profound teachings
Compiled biography and essential teachings of Guru Rinpoche
Yeshe Tsogyal spread and continued the Tantric teachings

Root Gurus of the founder of our Dharma lineage are three holy ones
Nona Tulku revealed to Guru Chen the Great Perfection
Patriarch Gangkar transmitted Four Seals through great initiations
Patriarch Papong Khyentse bestowed over five hundred initiations

Patriarch Chen, Manjusri of Original Purity
Harmonized Sutrayana and Tantrayana to propound the three-yanas-in-one
Accomplished in austerity and attainment that are rare over the ages
Compassionately stays in this suffering world just to save all beings

Guru Lin, Guan Yin of Vajra Lotus
Expressed profound teachings in simple words
Widely expounded the essence of many Dharma teachings
Through Dharma services of all sorts
Spreading the teachings to the East and the West
Continuation and sustenance of the golden teachings
Of our lineage rest squarely on his shoulders

Taking care of all details is the grace of our lineage protectors
Leading us all the way is the Wei Tuo Bodhisattva
Arranging matters ahead depends on Heavenly King Vaisravana
Trusting with all matters relies on the Dragon King of Pacific Ocean

Oath-bound blacksmith, the Honorable Damchen Dorje Legpa
Holding up this root of Tantra just as he protected Guru Rinpoche
Just and loyal Guan Gong, the great protector of monasteries
Continue to display your loyalty by removing hindrances to the lineage

Establishment of our lineage is simply for salvation of suffering beings
Continuation of our lineage all depends on the blessing of these holy ones
Through taking refuge in our lineage we merge into Bodhicitta
We spread teachings of our lineage to convert suffering beings
And in their salvation is our reward to the profound compassionate grace

Lineage Refuge Tree Supplication

Original Purity, oh, Patriarch Guru Chen!
Vajra Lotus, oh, Guru Lin!
The Right Dharma lineage of Manjusri and Guan Yin,
Harmonized wisdom and compassion to spread everywhere!


Praise to Adi Buddha

Traceless Dharmakaya reveals wondrous presence of Tathagata
Spotless original purity harmonizes pleasure and emptiness in union
Primary Buddha in Wisdom and Compassion boundless
Mercifully abiding in this world with graceful light eternally silent


Supplication to Sakyamuni Buddha

Bless me to renounce thoroughly and be free from pollutions!
Bless me to remember Impermanence and be diligent!
Bless me to attain the supernatural powers of Buddha!
Bless me to have the power to debate and convert others!
To know the thoughts of sentient beings without doubts;
To see the views of sentient beings without veils;
To open the mind of sentient beings without blocks;
Do bless me with such Holy Karmas!
In this Kali Age the perverse views are getting wilder;
The outsiders' perverse views are mixed with the right Dharma;
The holy land gradually loses the Buddhist tradition;
The New World has young sprouts that are mixed with weeds;
Thus it is even more difficult to preach the right and pure Dharma!
May Your Holiness bless me to attain Buddhahood soon!
Building Mahayana on the foundation of Hinayana,
Comprehending the Exoteric teachings while honoring the Pureland School,
Realizing the essence of Chan and applying the teachings of Tantras,
How could there be a more direct and all-round approach than this!
Bless me with the supernatural powers to convert all!
Bless me with the task of Buddhist Renaissance!


Supplication to Guru Rinpoche

Gracious source of Tibetan Tantra in rainbow body,
Deathless salvation through opportune appearances,
Bright light of Sunyata Pleasure grants universal blessing,
Wondrous bliss of innate purity sets the universe in spring.


Supplication to Patriarch Mandarava

Early in life realized vanity of worldly glories and renounced it to practice Dharma;
Wondrous mother patriarch Mandarava, lead us onto the enlightenment path!

Wise mind capable of comprehended the original purity of the Path of Greed;
Wondrous mother patriarch Mandarava, open our eyes to recognize the Dharma!
Supernatural powers capable of working at ease and at will under all circumstances;
Wondrous mother patriarch Mandarava, let all sentient beings take refuge in Guru!

Renounced all worldly ways and engaged in austere practices to attain ultimate fruits;
Wondrous mother patriarch Mandarava, help us to achieve full enlightenment sooner!

Liberated beings from sufferings in Samsara until they had unified joy and Blank Essence;
Wondrous mother patriarch Mandarava, constantly protect and guide us on the path!

The Six Doctrines of Niguma bestowed boundless and eternal blessings to all beings;
Wondrous mother patriarch Mandarava, grant us the Buddha fruit of deathlessness!


Supplication to Patriarch Yeshe Tsogyal

In front of beloved grandma of Tantric practices
Dharma grandson is here to salute you in prostration
Our golden lineage came down to this degenerated age
Had become even thinner and scarcer than a thread
Those have fortunate connections can be counted by fingers
Alas! How many of them are capable of actual practices
Hindered by self-set limits are often the cases
Devoted and dedicated ones mostly encountered difficulties
Even though trials might have piled up like mountains
Ardent Bodhi aspiration has never wavered a bit
Simply for the sake of liberating all beings from sufferings
Dedication of this life is not worth any considerations
Only begging dear grandma for compassionate blessings
To protect and guide genuine Tantric practitioners
So that they may sooner realize union of joy and light
And thus become capable of advocating the path of Greed
Just as grandma's grace spread far and wide through ages
We will save all beings because they are as dear as our own mothers


Supplication to Guru Nona Rinpoche

Through whose great power and great heuristic skills
Revealed Great Perfection to me at the very beginning
Compassionate eyes centered solely upon me
Bestowed on me the initiations of Guru Rinpoche
I prostrate and praise to the most graceful Guru Nona


Supplication to Guru Gangkar Rinpoche
Amid light of rainbow-body, thunders and hails
Virtuous Root Guru bestowed great initiations
Fully consumed your Dharma milk and
Received transmission of Four Mudras
May I soon witness the Vajra-holder Dorje Chang


Supplication to Guru Papong Khyentse Rinpoche

Widely propounded wondrous Dharmas at Dege, Tibet
Particularly bestowed uncommon great initiations on me
Transmitted initiations of over five-hundred treasured ones
I prostrate before the boundless ocean of Dharma learning


Supplication to Guru Yogi Chen

O! Original purity appearing as Manjusri,
Through your boundless compassion
Bless us with achievements in meditation!
Help us realize in Limitless-Oneness
The unification of wisdom and compassion!


Supplication to Guru Dr. Yutang Lin

Arising from original purity of Dharmadhatu, Vajradhara
Limitless wisdom and compassion, activities of Padmapani
Oneness in harmony emanates an Upasaka’s form.
Please reveal my original face, to you I pray!


Supplication to Bodhisattva Wei-Tuo

Protector of Buddha Dharma, a great knight,
Followed by the Four Cardinal Heavenly Kings,
Worshipped in all Chinese monasteries,
Help spread holy Dharma with all your might!

You hold practitioners to be your children, 
Always give timely encouragement and provision. 
Just as you helped Guru Yogi Chen all the way, 
Please keep me in your favor to benefit all!


Supplication to Vaisravana Heavenly King

Right Dharma seldom encountered, Tantric teachings difficult to receive,
Deluded beings are deep in the whirlpool of suffering

Calamities besieging daily, practice path jammed again and again,
Enlightened practitioners often suffer in hardships

Learned in Dharma and well-known for generosity, vehemently protecting the Right Path
Boundless treasure of merits, powers and wisdom

Have mercy for Dharma sons with pure Bodhi aspirations, guard and guide us,
Salvation activities will prosper and last without ending


Supplication to the Dragon King

Dragon King and Dragon Queen sustained compassion profound.
Spreading and propagating the Dharma, they took care of chores.
Without overlooking matters major or minor, they guarded well.
Their grace spread the world over, and their virtuous favors last!


Supplication to Damchen Dorje Legpa

Capable of sustaining Guru Rinpoche's boundless salvation activities
Compassionate protection continues to benefit all lineage followers
Tantric practices often encounter all sorts of dangers and hindrances
Only relying on Your mighty powers can the path be smooth and even

Supplication to Protector Guan Gong

Long set the epitome of righteous loyalty for generations,
Chinese all over the world pay respect and tribute to you!
Bodhisattva Qie Lan attends well to all calls of his duties,
Propagation and continuation of Dharma depends on you!


Longevity prayer for Guru Lin

Oh, originally pure yogi you are!
Wonderful conversion through Ewam as the Lotus-born Guru;
The great joy in Sunyata is peerless,
May the Holy Guru live long and abide in this world!


Supplication to Guru Lin for Long Stay in the World and
Everlasting Turning of the Dharma Wheel

Tantric teachings of Guru Rinpoche rely on Your Reverence to pass on,
Wisdom lamp of Manjusri rely on Your Reverence to continue shinning,
Marrow of Tang Tantras rely on Your Reverence to reveal and explicate,
Please stay long in this world to benefit all with your salvation activities!


Ever Spreading of the Lineage

Marrow of the Right Dharma passed down from generation to generation,
Succeeding predecessors and leading followers to turn the Dharma Wheel,
Everlasting pure lineage guided by holy Gurus and guarded by Protectors,
A never-ending lamp shining through everywhere to enlighten all beings!


A Prayer for Yogi Chen's Blessings

Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage
As unified in Patriarch Chen, a personification of Manjusri.
Pray the faithful ones be blessed with wishes fulfilled;
May they from suffering depart and happiness gain,
Forever merits accumulate and wisdom grow.

Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage
As unified in Patriarch Chen, a personification of Manjusri.
Pray the Dakinis be blessed with peace and stability;
May they from suffering depart and happiness gain,
Soon merits accumulate and wisdom grow to fulfillment.


Supplication to Guru Lin for Blessing

Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage
As unified in Guru Lin, a personification of Guan Yin
Grant me realization of original purity of greed as it arises
Bless me to attain unity of clarity and selfless nature of joy 
Abiding in rainbow body to extend salvation upon suitable vessels
Revealing wondrous teachings to save all beings in the six realms

Supplication to Bodhisattva Wei-Tuo

Protector of Buddha Dharma, a great knight,
Followed by the Four Cardinal Heavenly Kings,
Worshipped in all Chinese monasteries,
Help spread holy Dharma with all your might!

You hold practitioners to be your children, 
Always give timely encouragement and provision. 
Just as you helped Guru Yogi Chen all the way, 
Please keep me in your favor to benefit all!
Praise to the Dragon King

The compassion of Dragon King's mind is deeper than oceans;
Rain and dew drops showered everywhere to moisten the world.
Receiving vase offerings to promote aspirations toward Bodhi,
Sentient beings with lucky connections are all blessed by thy grace.


Supplication to the Dragon King

Dragon King and Dragon Queen sustained compassion profound.
Spreading and propagating the Dharma, they took care of chores.
Without overlooking matters major or minor, they guarded well.
Their grace spread the world over, and their virtuous favors last!


Dedication of Merits

1. May virtuous gurus remain with us and those departed return soon!
2. May perverse views and violence soon become extinct and Dharma spread 
without hindrance!
3. May all beings proceed diligently on the path and achieve Buddhahood before
4. May all beings develop Great Compassion and never regress until they reach
perfect Buddhahood!
5. May all beings develop Great Wisdom and never regress until they reach perfect


January 7, 2013
El Cerrito, California

Amended on November 26, 2017
El Cerrito, California