簡繁轉換 - 繁體
心高豈能居人下 識恩方知應趨前
業障潛消福慧晉 投身佛足登覺途
五體投地向佛去 氣脈恩展順勢來
脫塵淨心成純龍 普施法霖潤大千
養和齋 於加州

Ode to Full Prostration
Yutang Lin
How could one with a proud mind bow down to others?
Only having discerned the grace would one know to approach
Karmic hindrances unknowingly diminished
And merits and wisdom advanced
Throwing one's body toward Buddha's feet
And thus steps onto the enlightening path
Head and four limbs thrown on the ground toward Buddha
Channels of inner winds blessed to expand in this way
Shed dirt and purified mind to become a pure dragon
Universally showering Dharma rains to moisten all beings
Upon request from disciple Mi En
Written in Chinese and translated on August 31, 2014
El Cerrito, California