眾生父母恩  林鈺堂       簡繁轉換 - 繁體







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Parental Grace of All Beings

Yutang Lin


Dharma teaches that, all sentient beings are basically the same in their nature; and hence, it says, ″all sentient beings are equal″. People who live with animals or pets for long time also have this kind of comprehension. Dharma teaches about ″Transmigration in the Six Realms″, which means that, sentient beings, depending on their karma of delusive activities or meritorious cultivation of good deeds, may gain rebirth as other kind of beings. Hence, ″all sentient beings are equal″ holds not only on their basic nature but also on the causal conditions of their transformation.

Relations between human beings and all sorts of sentient beings that are utilized or eaten by men are basically that of control and profitable utility; and, ordinarily, people take this kind of ″weak as prey of strong″ as a matter of course. However, from the point of view of equality as taught in Dharma, all these sentient beings are helplessly making incessant offerings and sacrifices, and yet few can appreciate their parent-like grace—just as parents with kids who are ignorant of hardships in life and parents′ sacrifices, can only helplessly bear their arbitrary demands and expenses.

In Dharma it is usually mentioned, ″mother-like sentient beings″ because, in the endless transmigration in the Six Realms, any sentient being could have been our parents in past lives. People in business often refer to customers as ″parents of clothing and foods″ because customers provide sources for warmth and full stomach. If we could appreciate the grace of all those sentient beings that have been incessantly making offerings and sacrifices for human ease and consumption, then the significance of ″mother-like sentient beings″ would become much more profound!


Written in Chinese and translated into English on June 6, 2020
El Cerrito, California

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