如萬花筒  林鈺堂       簡繁轉換 - 繁體








養和齋   於加州



Like a Kaleidoscope

Yutang Lin


Dharmadhatu is limitless with all phenomena in oneness; as causal conditions in the totality evolve, all sorts of phenomena either appear or disappear. Phenomena present is transient like illusion and cannot be grasped; phenomena absent leave no traces but has a ″dharma station″ in the Dharmadhatu with all related causal conditions concurrently. Fleeting evolution of phenomena present or absent is transformation of Dharmadhatu in totality and cannot be determined by partial causal conditions. This kind of theory in Dharma is difficult to comprehend.

Kaleidoscope is a product of optical studies; rotating a kaleidoscope will show ever-changing view of symmetrical patterns. The fundamental conditions for forming all these patterns remain the same. The pattern appearing and all possible patterns are in the same tube; as it rotates, causal conditions of the totality evolve, and the presence and disappearance of patterns flow on. Taking this as an analogy, it becomes easy to comprehend the Dharma theory of phenomena in Dharmadhatu.

All phenomena in the limitless oneness of Dharmadhatu have identical basic quality—cannot be grasped and is concurrently determined by all causal conditions in the totality. Be it present or absent, all phenomena are in Dharmadhatu. As causal conditions in the totality evolve, phenomena in the Dharmadhatu flow from presence to absence in rotation. The absent ones with all their related causal conditions have their ″dharma station″ within the limitless oneness of Dharmadhatu—whenever the evolution of all causal conditions matches those related to one such ″absent″ phenomena, it will appear.

Once this is comprehended, then it is clear, why all visualizations in Vajrayana begin with visualizing that all things returning to Blank Essence, and then, starting with a seed syllable, all gradually evolve in appearance. Since what is visualized upon is an ″absent″ phenomena, it needs to first return to basic nature and change causal conditions in the totality, for it to become present. Besides, an ″absent″ phenomena with all its related causal conditions have their ″dharma station″ in the Dharmadhatu and are irrelevant to the present phenomena of the practitioner′s sensations; consequently, the visualized realm is completely not affected by the practitioner′s current sensations but a constant presence, transcending ″spatial and temporal″ conditions, in the Dharmadhatu. Once this is comprehended, it will become easy to concentrate in visualization.


Written in Chinese and translated into English on July 3, 2020
El Cerrito, California



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