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養和齋    於加州



Complete Obedience

Yutang Lin


Demanding ″complete obedience″, its results, as matters of fact in the world, are often ″superficial compliance with actual deviations″. Hence, it seems that, only when deluded by power or desires would a person make such demands.

In Tantric Buddhism there is a teaching that, a disciple should observe ″complete obedience″ to his Guru. In fact, disciples who could solidly follow this teaching are rare; usually, due to personal considerations, disciples would deviate from the teaching to some extent. While those serving as Gurus have no way to require that disciples must follow this teaching, and hence, this teaching often deteriorates into empty talk.

Nevertheless, the legendary trials, as bestowed by Patriarch Marpa on his disciple Milarepa in order to diminish the disciple′s karmic debts, such as ordering him to carry boulders to build a house, and then ordering him to take down the house and build another one at another location, and repeating such tasks, had caused a sore hole on Milarepa′s back, and caused Marpa′s wife to weep upon seeing such torment. Hence, she helped him to escape. Nevertheless, leaving Guru behind to practice Dharma could not yield inspirational attainments; consequently, he went back to the Guru to continue the trials. Thus, eventually a great yogi was accomplished who founded an important school. To such a pair of Guru and disciple, the Guru was holding back his compassionate mercy to add hardships incessantly on the disciple, while the disciple was following ″complete obedience″ despite his life in his Dharma practices; consequently, they set a legendary model for posterity.

Thus, one comprehends that, the teaching on ″complete obedience″ in Tantric Buddhism is sound; except that, in this worldly realm it is difficult to encounter a Guru in defiance of worldly views with a disciple whose mind is ″as blank as a white sheet of paper″.


Written in Chinese on September 13, 2023
Translated into English on September 20, 2023

El Cerrito, California


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