修養和平   林鈺堂  簡繁轉換 - 繁體








養和齋    於加州





Cultivating Peace

Yutang Lin


Praying for world peace is a popular well-wishing. As to how to achieve it, opinions abound.

To improve common Karma, it is necessary to start with remedying individual deeds. I think, there is no way to demand how others should behave, but one can, in daily life, constantly practice how one expresses, communicates, behaves and responds to achieve harmony in social environments. Thus, one endeavors within personal sphere to sustain the foundation of peace.

Be considerate of others and yield to convenient others. Not emphasizing one′s view but being receptive to others′ choices. These are principles of cultivating peace that I have become aware of through experiences.

As we endeavor to cultivate peace, this kind of goal is in accordance with the great compassion of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and hence, in inconceivable ways, boundless blessing born of their compassion will work toward improvement of our circumstantial conditions.


Written in Chinese and translated into English on February 12, 2024
El Cerrito, California