An Inspirational Report from A Reader of Our Websites
From: Yutang Lin
Sent: Tuesday, February 01, 2011 2:45 AM
To: Dharma Friends
Subject: FW: Thanks.
Below is an inspirational report from a reader of our websites.
We will post it at our websites among the miscellaneous category.
The image attached is also sent by him; it is the holy image he referred to.
May all beings attain Enlightenment soon!
From: Anderson
Sent: Sunday, January 23, 2011 10:44 AM
Subject: Thanks.
A brief account of the Holy Medicine Buddha.
I received the Medicine Buddha card from Dr Lin around 2 years ago. It was sent in the post along with other images including Avalokiteshvara and mantra sheets.
I had previously checked Dr Lin's website and looked at many of the images and writings and found them to be very interesting.
The Holy Image of Amitabha was printed and I put the images on my wall in my old apartment, along with other pictures. I distributed this image to a few other people who I thought may be interested.
Almost every day I offered incense and candles and perfume to the Medicine Buddha and Avalokiteshvara images on top of my cabinet, and dedicated the merit. I especially liked to offer perfume.
My wife and I found a new apartment we hoped to buy. It was difficult to get approval for loan.
My wife only works part-time and banks are very strict to lend money now.
We tried to get a loan from several banks and each time we were refused. I told my wife to pray to the Medicine Buddha and my daughter also if she really wanted to get apartment.
I taught them the mantra and showed them the mantra in Japanese. I recited the mantra every day as much as possible in Tibetan: "Tayatha Om Bekandze Bekandze Maha Bekandze Radze Samudgate Soha".
Lama Zopa Rinpoche gave some advice on the benefits of the Medicine Buddha and I followed this prayer practice and tried to have faith as much as possible.
I feel I do not have so much faith, though I just try to do no matter what.
4 banks had refused our loan request, but finally it was granted and was very surprising.
I could not believe that it was finally accepted after being declined so many times.
Continued to make offerings and told my wife to do the same.
I also made offerings on the beach in front of apartment and around the apartment.
A related story is the apartment construction company had a lotto for winning money to be spent on the new apartment.
My wife got two tickets. If we won, we could receive 1,000,000 Yen which is about $10,000.
The money had to be used for the new apartment. That was the condition of the terms of the building company, Anabuki Kosan.
My wife placed the 2 tickets at the feet of the Medicine Buddha image and prayed--she did not tell me about this until later.
We learnt about a week later we had won!
We were both shocked!
We could buy brand new beautiful furniture, and new T.V and audio equipment.
The apartment I have now is for me the best location in the world and I would never rather live anywhere else.
There is a lovely small O'Jizo temple near my home, and a Zen Temple where Zazen is held every Saturday and a view of Awaji Island and beautiful beach in front of the apartment and a lovely hotspring and supermarket within walking distance.
The view in the morning of sunrise and Akashi Bridge is just like being on a holiday.
This experience has strengthened my resolve to make more of an effort to benefit others and make more offerings, and taught me gratitude.
I feel extremely grateful and reflect constantly that many people do not even have food to eat nor a place to live.
Having everything and being happy means nothing, unless others are also happy.
And even though I have such beautiful furniture and a 46" T.V, and lovely desk, it really all means nothing. I own nothing, really.
I made a promise to myself that I would do my best to light a candle to the Medicine Buddha every day until I die and offer incense, and dedicate the merit.
I have only a temporary altar now on my window sill, but later will get a proper altar.
Om Mani Padme Hung!
Thankyou Dr Lin for providing me with this and other images, and for fulfilling the Powa requests I constantly send you!
May this writing contribute to the causes of happiness in other sentient beings.
Mark Andersen
Akashi, Japan

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