


敬禮 本師釋迦牟尼佛
敬禮 護持佛法諸天尊

本師文佛親口宣 自兜率天生閻浮 出家降魔轉法輪 諸天讚助無厭倦
希有世尊難逢遇 最初勸請降誕者 無上大恩是天尊 伎樂八萬四千音
聲聲勸請佛降生 勿忘我等可憫眾 捧缽四天請降生 佛聞此音乃受請
無上大恩是諸天 佛生一十二年前 淨居天尊先佛來 示婆羅門宣預言
謂有佛祖當降生 勝族選擇卅二德 智幢天尊所請問 如白象形下閻浮
勝光天尊所建議 下時諸天皆會集 四天及釋提桓因 夜摩天兜率陀天
樂變化天他化天 娑婆界主梵天王 梵眾天與梵輔天 妙光天與少光天
光嚴天與淨居天 以及阿迦尼吒天 摩醯首羅及餘天 捨棄諸禪三昧樂
從誕乃至於涅槃 常持淨心以侍佛 末世福薄聖賢少 具願菩薩應化者
願如請佛之故事 速請多請我啟請 末世縱有聖賢生 染污緣多難清淨
願如侍佛之故事 密密將護我啟請

佛既入胎淨居天 於佛父王現半身 說偈為報希有事 夜摩天等現妙宮
以為聖后之所居 佛既誕已諸天女 各捧妙油浴聖母 供佛天衣與寶具
梵王帝釋乃變化 極端正摩那婆身 演吉祥微妙讚詞 摩醯首羅與淨居
設大供養來慶賀 佛由生處入宮中 天女或持孔雀傘 或灑香水道路中
或執寶花或瓔珞 各類各五十萬女 色界諸天持寶幡 欲界諸天持寶蓋
如雲佈滿於虛空 佛配妃後處深宮 諸天說偈勸出家 兜率天名應出家
飛至殿上誦妙偈 讚嘆出家勝功德 並感宮中諸樂器 不奏自鳴勸出家
佛遊四門以觀察 淨居天尊於東門 化作老人以感佛 於南化作多病人
於西化作已死人 於北化作大比丘 為佛正說出家法 佛乃告父求出家
父王簡練勇猛士 晝夜戒備於內外 重門一響驚十里 無天之助何能越
藥叉大將二十八 毗沙門宮共候命 淨慧天尊施神力 令諸勇士悉昏睡
莊嚴遊戲天尊者 令諸象馬皆寂眠 嚴慧天尊施神力 於虛空界佈寶路
法行天尊施神力 令彼宮女變壞相 開發天尊施神力 令佛中夜忽獨醒
釋提桓因示道路 弗沙星與月合時 佛於中夜果醒起 安詳而出合掌立
正念十方一切佛 四天各領天眾來 釋提桓因立虛空 諸天同時大聲請
此正是時速出家 車匿既牽乾陟到 昇虛而行六震動 宮內外眾皆不知
夜裡經行六由旬 既至仙人苦行林 別車匿與乾陟後 孤身遠離華貴地
空林唯天最可親 當時誰人解事佛 替人事佛謝諸天 知佛嫌衣驕奢耶
淨居天尊供袈裟 佛乃自稱真出家 末世善根難培養 貪著五欲難出離
或以淺根希深行 冒充菩薩不出離 或雖出家入於廟 統眾大早不修行
如是離家復離廟 雙重出離勝妙器 願諸天尊嘿護佑 如護文佛真出家

佛六年苦修禪定 日食一米一麻耳 常為天眾所護持 波旬伺過不可得
善生女欲供梵志 淨居天遮梵志身 善生唯見文佛在 供吉祥相之乳糜
赴菩提場金剛座 十六天尊守此場 其名曰轉進天尊 無勝天尊施與天
愛敬天尊勇力天 善住天尊持地天 作光天尊無垢天 法自在天法幢天
行吉祥天無礙天 大莊嚴天淨戒天 蓮花光明十六天 皆曾得不退轉位
常時竭誠護道場 帝釋復化作刈人 供吉祥草為佛墊 大梵天王廣陳供
珍寶無量遍虛空 佛既入座發宏誓 六欲諸天東南住 防護障難恭而謹
四維上下皆有天 圍繞恭敬以防護 波旬統率魔男女 威迫媚誘逞所能
淨居天尊申警誡 無數諸天散天花 讚歎佛不為魔動 既成正覺現瑞相
諸天歡喜獻眾寶 天女各唱讚美詞 淨居讚後遍光讚 梵天讚後他化讚
化樂讚後兜率讚 帝釋讚後四天讚 並申無量廣大供 末世修行障難多
行者多欲魔得便 邪說王難攻其外 苦病疑心攻其內 五陰熾盛不易除
證量淵微不易達 修者如毛成如角 諸天見之寧不憫 如護文佛圓滿果
願諸天尊勤將護 令諸行者離魔障 生圓次第疾證成 六通十力皆具足

佛證果後嘿然住 波旬竟敢勸涅槃 螺髻梵王娑婆主 為我苦眾勸請佛
三勸三請轉法輪 當日懵懂之人類 誰解如天王勸請 於今人間有佛法
飲水思源謝天恩 佛既許可轉法輪 菩提樹守者四天 受法光明與樂法
法行四天復請問 當於何處初轉輪 欲色二界諸天眾 各將寶幢與寶蓋
為佛嚴淨鹿野苑 八萬四千寶獅座 佛合為一坐傳法 佛度比丘五尊已
為度迦葉十八變 帝釋聽經顯光明 佛受供已欲澡洗 帝釋指地而成池
佛欲浣衣帝釋知 為取四方大好石 佛欲曬衣帝釋知 復取六方石備用
其後各處轉法輪 或上於天或下海 乃至涅槃於雙林 諸天無時無方所
不為文佛之侍衛 末世魔軍勢力強 處處道場多障礙 國王宰官多邪見
博學之士偶得信 亦少如法而修行 間有成德之志士 欲建無上大法幢
財力人力每不足 願天回憶文佛事 曾費幾多維護力 如今縷縷一線法
如是法脈極珍貴 當超護持文佛力 倍加努力咸擁護 令其大願成德士
壽長福多權威大 得續文佛大事業 重興廣大佛法幢 密密將護我啟請


護法諸天啟請偈 林鈺堂


A Praising to All the Gods

for Buddhist practitioners

Yogi C. M. Chen

Namo Guru Gautama Buddha
Namo all Gods who protect the Buddha.

Our Guru Gautama told us that
He descended here from the Tushita,
Became Bhikshu and subdued demons,
'Till turned the wheel of Tathagata.
All great events are helped by Gods,
Who within his altar, work so hard.

Rare is to meet Buddha Perfect.
Invited by Gods who him admire,
To these benefactors of mankind
We should all give deep thanks without tire.

Heavenly music with many sounds,
"Please do not forget all of mankind",
The pleas of four Gods are very kind!

God of Purity came to this world
Before the Buddha's birth some twelve years,
Appeared as a Brahmin and foretold
"Buddha will be born", heard by all ears.

Buddha Gautama does hear the sound,
His permission is to be found,
The great benefactors are Gods,
We should give them thanks so profound!

A race selected with thirty-two merits
Which was asked by the God named Wise Pennant,
Descended down as a white elephant,
Suggested by the God named Achieved Light.

When Buddha descends, all Gods assemble,
Four Gods and Indra all leave their temple.
Yama, Tusita and Virmananti
With Paranirmitavasavartin.

Saha world master, the Brahmakaya,
From Parsadya and Purohita,
Parittabha and Apramanabha,
From Abhavara and Parittasubha (names of Heavens).

With Akinistha and Mahisvara
All leave their deep samadhi happiness.
From Buddha's birth day to his Nirvana,
They follow him and help all his goodness.

In this dark Kali age,
There are no more good sages.
May all Gods do the same,
Ask them to come to this stage.
Even though there are some who came,
They could not live very long.
They had many defilements,
May Gods keep their commendments.

When Buddha came to his mother's womb,
God of Purity told his father:
There will be a great event and so good,
Buddha's pure Dharma will flourish soon.

Yama makes a mystic palace,
Acts as the Buddha's holy grace.
When Buddha is born all Gods and Goddesses
Come help his mother to take a bath.

Gods offer Buddha heavenly clothes
And crystal, jewels, diamonds and gems.
Gods Brahma and Indra both transform into handsome Mahavaka form.
They sing auspicious songs.
They praise Buddha with best poems.

Mahisvara and the Gods of Purity,
Make a pretty offering to celebrate.

When Buddha comes from his birthplace to the palace
Some Goddesses lift up beautiful umbrellas.
Some Goddesses sprinkle best perfume on the way,
Some Goddesses offer many gems and corals.

Gods of Rupadhatu lift some pennants,
Gods of Karmadhatu lift some nice tents,
They are like white clouds in the sky
With so many different presents.

When Buddha marries and lives in rich chamber,
All Gods, Goddesses ask him to remember,
A Tushita God named Renouncement
Flies to palace to make announcement.

He praises Buddha's merits of past lives,
And inspires the vessels to give advice.
All music vessels make voice themselves,
All say to renounce is very wise!

Buddha comes to the four gates to search,
God of Purity appears at each.
On the East he's an old man,
On the South he's a sick man,
On the West he's a dead man,
On the North he's a holy man.

Buddha asks father allow him renounce,
But his father rejects what he announces.
The King then trains some bold guards,
To keep him in days and nights.
Many tiers of gates, who can run out?
He does need God's help, there is no doubt!

There are twenty eight of Yasha's marshals
Who wait for Vaisaravana to tell.

God named Wonderful Skill gives his power,
Paves the precious road in the great space.
God named Dharma Actor gives his power,
To make his wife have an ugly face.

God named Develop gives his force,
To make great Buddha rise alone.
God Indra shows the very road
Where the Buddha should go along.

When the moon and Tisya meet,
Lord Gautama awakes and sits,
Folds both of his palms and thinks,
All Buddhism is very sweet!

The four Gods lead all angels,
Indra stands in the middle,
All hail with a loud voice,
"It's a great time, not little."

Chandaka drives the horse,
Buddha leaves the palace.
Flies in the sky and earth quakes,
Nobody knows this case.

In night they run six yojanas (30 miles)
And arrive at Datu's Forest.
Apart from Chandaka and horse
Buddha the Prince alone does rest.

In that time, none is he close to,
In that time no one knows him too.
He lives alone, he sits alone,
Only those great Gods often come.

At that time who knows how to serve,
In place of men, Gods spend their love.
God knows that Buddha does hate silk,
A cotton yellow robe he offers.

In this Kali Age, men rarely renounce,
They crave desires with pay and allowance!
Or they treat themselves as Bodhisattva,
They say they do good, have best influence!
Even if they become Bhikshu or monk,
They lead all the students without practice.
There is nobody really leaves his home,
Or leaves crowd center to truly release.

May all the Gods and all Angels,
Protect those who have no desire,
As you protect our Dear Buddha,
Who is so pure and without tire.

Six years Buddha practices Dhuta,
Takes only little rice and herbs a day,
Is often protected by all Gods,
Mara can't trouble him in this way.

Sujata wants to make offering to Brahmin,
God of Purity purposely hides him.
Sujata sees only Buddha,
She offers the milk with a tin.

Buddha goes to Bodhi Gaya,
There sixteen Gods do protect him,
Their names are mentioned:
God of Win, God of Advance,
God of Loving, God of Goodness, God of Lighting.
God of Freedom, God of Pennant, God of Conduct,
God of Sila, God of Lotus, God of Ornament,
God of No-Obstacle, and God of Great-Adornment.
God of Boldness, God of Giving,
And God of Holding-the-Great-Earth.
They all have realization,
Protect Buddha with devotion.

Indra transforms himself into cowherd,
He offers Buddha some auspicious grass
Which is very soft to make a good seat,
Hence Buddha's downward energy can pass.

The Brahma God offers a lot,
Jewels pervade throughout whole sky,
Buddha sits in meditation,
Vows to attain Samadhi high.

The Gods of six heavens of desire
Protect him, hence Mara can't be found,
In the four directions up and down,
There are many Gods who stand around.

Mara still comes with many demons,
Troubles Buddha with love and weapons.
God of Purity gives him advice,
Many bold Goddesses also come.

They offer to Buddha many flowers,
Praise him, no fear of Mara's followers.
When Buddha gets the Full Enlightenment,
All Gods enjoy it and offer jewels.

All Goddesses sing many hymns,
Many Gods praise him in their turn,
After the God of Purity,
God of Pervading Light praises him.

After God of Great Brahmin,
Paranirmita praises him,
After Nirmanarati praises,
Gods of Tushita praise him.

After Indra's deep praising,
The Four Gods also praise him.
They offer many gems too,
With many different things.

In the Kali Age there're many demons,
Most students do have a lot of desires.
False views, and cruel kings both trouble so long,
Doubt and disease and worldly love without tire.

One's inner sorrows are too much,
Realization is hard to get,
Many practices but no one reaches,
No one even sees God yet.

May all the Gods protect them,
As protect Buddha, the same,
Let them all leave their demons,
Let them achieve before long.

Let them get realization,
Let them get special power,
Let them have deep devotion,
Worthy of Buddha's followers!

After Buddha's attainment,
He then keeps in deep silence.
Mara does dare him to die,
If so, there's no influence.

But the master of this world,
Then requests Buddha three times
Turn the Dharma Wheel, he's told,
Praises Buddha with many hymns.

At that time who is the man,
Able to ask as those Gods can,
Now we still have the Dharma,
God's merit is not in vain.

Buddha accepts Gods request,
Four Gods ask him where to preach,
Four Gods are in the forest,
Whose names are told by the teacher.

The Light, The Dharma, and The Pleasure,
The Actor, all are Gods in nature,
They protect him in Bodhi Gaya,
Now they prepare Sarnath to preach.

Gods of all heavens of form and desire,
Hold heavenly umbrellas, men admire,
Arrange altar there where Park of Deer is,
Sarnath is very holy and dear.

Eighty-four thousand gems made seats,
Buddha makes them into one great chair.
Each treats it as his own,
Buddha's teachings fill the air.

Buddha teaches five Bhikshus at first;
Teaches Kasya who is so earnest,
He shows eighteen transformations,
Indra hears this education.

When Buddha wants to dry his robe again,
Indra arranges a big stone in hexagon,
Hitherto everything Buddha wants,
From Indra and other Gods he gains.

After Buddha accepts their offerings,
Buddha wants to bathe, Indra gives new spring,
When Buddha wants to wash his robe again,
Indra arranges a square stone to retain.

When our Buddha goes to heaven and to sea,
Until Parinirvana all Gods see,
No time, no space, without Gods to protect him,
Gods serve the Buddha so much more than me.

In the Kali Age, Mara is strong,
Dharma's obstacles trouble us so long!
Those cruel officials do have false views,
Scholars too have no right ideas but wrong.

Few persons practicing the Dharma,
Rare is the one who knows of Karma,
The accomplished one has no power,
There's none can compare with Gautama!

There're some who may have Bodhicitta,
And desire to follow Tathagata,
He has not enough helpers and money,
May you, the Gods, help with all data!

Please do remember what you have done,
With much strength you helped Buddha so long!
Now Right Dharma remains so little,
Kindly let it flourish and prolong.

Use your strength more than you used for Buddha,
Protect the one who has the real Dharma;
Let him have much longevity,
Let him achieve the Karma!

Let him have revelation!
Let him have realization !
Let him keep the old tradition!
Let him be able to do salvation!

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