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Always Complying

Always Complying

----- Original Message -----
From: "Yutang Lin"]
To: "Dharma Friends"
Sent: Thursday, March 29, 2007 8:23 AM
Subject: Four More Poems in Calligraphy_點撥體會師恩百依百順依師之道

The calligraphy files and their respective original works are attached. Also the file containing the requests is attached. All works mentioned in this request that I would do calligraphy had been done.

F1308 is hereby added to the Chinese book Yi Shi Zhi Dao, the Way to Follow a Guru.

Attain Enlightenment Soon!



上師的開示聖詩每一首都非常的殊勝透徹,具足圓滿的智悲,每一首弟子都非常喜歡,愛不釋手。今天再次拜讀,感覺首首皆是稱佛本懷,暢佛欲言,實在是稀有珍貴,法門至寶!弟子一時控制不住,又選了許多詩句,期望 師佛能在百忙之中再施神來妙筆,楊枝淨水,遍灑三千。所呈聖詩很多,師佛如果不能一一賜下,還請悲憫群生急盼甘霖浸潤心田故,儘量見賜墨寶聖跡!弟子貪心,萬祈寬恕!


弟子大開獅口,再次請求 師佛慈憫原諒!

衷心祝禱 師佛佛母及諸佛子佛體安康,吉祥如意,永久住世利樂有情!!!


Always Complying Yutang Lin

One deviant thought delayed advancement on the path for over a decade.
In the past I could not understand this, but now I fully comprehend it.
How could disciples' minds be thoroughly pure that they would always
Comply with Guru's commands and thereby receive the real transmission?


When I began to learn Vajrayana I studied some patriarchs' biographies. It was recorded that some disciple, due to one disrespectful and faithless thought, wasted more than a decade in his efforts on the path. At that time I thought to myself, how could the consequences be so devastating? Now that I have seen all sorts of people in their efforts on the path to enlightenment for over two decades, I realize that matters in the world are often like this─ one deviant thought would yield distance of thousand miles apart with the turns of events.

May all sincere practitioners of Vajrayana be able to grasp not personal views and thereby become free from self-set limits, insist not personal opinions and thereby become free from devious digressions, and respect and have faith in the Guru completely so that they will always comply with the Guru's commands and thereby become able to receive complete transmission of blessings and guidance, and consequently make rapid advancement on the path to Enlightenment!

Written in Chinese on October 29, 2006
Translated on November 17, 2006
El Cerrito, California

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