八句偈解  林鈺堂       簡繁轉換 - 繁體



念念勿生疑            觀世音淨聖
於苦惱死厄            能為作依怙
具一切功德            慈眼視眾生
福聚海無量            是故應頂禮





養和齋    於加州




Exposition on Eight-sentence Gatha

Yutang Lin


Yesterday, while reciting the concluding eight sentences of the Gatha in praise of Guan Yin, as found in the ″Universal Gates Chapter″, naturally tears welled up, and hence, I reverently wrote it in calligraphy as offering to all. Today I offered my humble exposition on these eight sentences in this essay. First of all, my English translation of these eight sentences is as follows:
Thought after thought, let no doubt arise!
Pure Holiness Guan Shi Yin
In suffering, sorrows, dying or dangers,
Capable of providing a refuge

Complete with all kinds of merits
Watching sentient beings with merciful eyes
Happiness accumulated as a boundless ocean,
Therefore, all should make prostration to Him!

Thought after thought, let no doubt arise! ″ This seems to be a kind of doctrinal admonition, and not in accordance with the fundamental spirit of Dharma in not asking people to blindly believe and follow. In fact, it is the Sutra′s caution lest people are led astray by doubts arising from deluded personal views. It is followed by the reason: ″Pure Holiness Guan Shi Yin″, which means that Guan Yin is of original purity and transcends worldly realms. Doubts are within the worldly realms and have no relevance to transcendental realm, and hence, one should not be misled by one′s worldly thoughts. Furthermore, the reasoning continues by pointing out that, ″In suffering, sorrows, dying or dangers, ″, that means, when sentient beings are trapped in suffering, sorrows, dying or dangers, ″Capable of providing a refuge″, i.e., Guan Yin is capable of providing safe havens. To someone who is capable of such inconceivable salvation, if we doubt from worldly point of views, then we are truly unaware of our own limitations.

Complete with all kinds of merits″ means that all kinds of services to sentient beings and guidance leading toward the enlightenment path have been offered and endeavored by Guan Yin, and He will perpetually continue the services and guidance for all sentient beings. ″Watching sentient beings with merciful eyes″ means that, to all sentient beings, He will equally care with compassion so as to help them escape suffering and attain happiness. ″Happiness accumulated as a boundless ocean″ means that happiness attained by sentient beings, as results of His services and guidance, is as abundant and immeasurable as a boundless ocean. ″Therefore, all should make prostration to him! ″, hence, all should whole-heartedly pay respect and aspire to Bodhisattva Guan Yin!

Bodhisattva has no ′self′, and hence, both ″Complete with all kinds of merits″ and ″Happiness accumulated as a boundless ocean″ are not referring to what He possesses, but to His boundless services and the fruits they yielded. And ″Capable of providing a refuge″ is not referring to Him as a refuge, but to His capacity to provide safe havens. To clarify these subtle distinctions prompted me to offer this exposition.


Written in Chinese and translated into English on July 15, 2023
El Cerrito, California

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