不見自執 林鈺堂簡繁轉換 - 繁體
養和齋 於加州
Not Seeing One's Own Grasping
----- Original Message -----
From: "Yutang Lin"
To: "Dharma Friends"
Sent: Sunday, April 22, 2007 12:00 PM
Subject: Four More Poems in Calligraphy_翰墨四首:祝早成佛、報眾生恩、不見自執、大同
Four more sets attached as requested by "Four Four."
Attain Enlightenment Soon!

F1355 終極考驗 P1117 Ultimate Trial
F1359 最後一刻 P1120 The Very Last Moment
F1272 根本反省 P1065 Root Reflection
F1276 學忘 P1067 Learning to Forget
F1099 祝早成佛 P0940 Enlightenment Soon
F1259 報眾生恩 P1058 Gratitude Due to All Beings
F1338 大同 P1110 Much in Common
F1210 不見自執 P1019 Not Seeing One's Grasping
寫過 F1311 愛在不扶 P1093 Love in not Helping
Not Seeing One's Own Grasping Yutang
Others' movements hither or thither are all criticized,
Not realizing that it stems from one's grasping deep.
To a mind as empty as sky without presumed views,
Others' dashing thither or hither all seems acceptable.
One holding prejudices tends to criticize whatever others' are doing without realizing that the problems stem from the depth of one's own grasping. To a mind that had transcended the bondage of predetermined views whatever comes along is most of the time considered as acceptable, and hence the peace of no hassle prevails.
Written in Chinese and translated on December 21, 2005
El Cerrito, California
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