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Learning to Forget
----- Original Message -----
From: "Yutang Lin"
To: "Dharma Friends"
Sent: Saturday, April 21, 2007 1:03 PM
Subject: Four More Poems in Calligraphy_翰墨四首:F1355 終極考驗、F1359 最後一刻、F1272 根本反省、F1276 學忘
Today 4 kinds of paper sent by Detong arrived here. 8 poems not
written in Calligraphy yet were requested by a Dharma friend who is the number 4 daughter in their family. So I used one each of the 4 kinds of paper to write 4 of those poems.
She gave English version file names, so I asked Detong to find out
the Chinese version file names.
All related files are attached.
Attain Enlightenment Soon!

F1355 終極考驗 P1117 Ultimate Trial
F1359 最後一刻 P1120 The Very Last Moment
F1272 根本反省 P1065 Root Reflection
F1276 學忘 P1067 Learning to Forget
F1099 祝早成佛 P0940 Enlightenment Soon
F1259 報眾生恩 P1058 Gratitude Due to All Beings
F0883 融通 P0747 Harmonious Unification
F1338 大同 P1110 Much in Common
F1210 不見自執 P1019 Not Seeing One's Grasping
寫過 F1311 愛在不扶 P1093 Love in not Helping
Learning to Forget Yutang Lin
Upon death all would disperse like fading fogs,
Nevertheless past events kept recurring in mind.
Incessant comparisons incur self-torture painful.
One rather clean mind by learning to forget soon.
What to grasp and what to compare, 'tis mostly up to people
themselves. Worldly situations are like buildings in mirage,
clinging to them amounts to self-torture in vain. Remaining days
are not many, why suffer by continuing like this? Learn to forget
about making comparisons soon, and Bodhi aspiration will sprout
from a clear mind.
Written in Chinese and translated on July 15, 2006
El Cerrito, California
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