
哼哈二將讚 F2325

彌勒佛讚 F1914
慈心展笑顏 廣結眾緣 無不包容
悲憫續正法 應機起行 無暇安坐
唯識等唯空 智度解析 五論典範
化度無止盡 兜率上生 當來下生

四大天王讚 F0205
持國護祐常安寧 增長培育樂榮昌
廣目開闊觀法界 多聞普施蔭大千

韋馱菩薩啟請頌 F0013
護持佛法大將軍 四大天王咸追隨
漢地寺宇普供奉 顯揚聖教無餘力
眷顧行人為親子 適時鼓勵與補給
如護陳師未暫離 恩光及我以利眾
鐘鼓和鳴 A0356
供香祈願偈 F2311
供燈祈願偈 F2145
供水祈願偈 F2288


釋迦牟尼佛讚 F1779
太子竟捨國 早悟世榮虛幻
盛年離親愛 早謀世苦救脫
苦行悟中道 大智世法超越
證覺息魔患 大慈對立無復
施教能觀機 大悲接引有方
遊化盡世壽 大力救渡無盡
教法傳代代 恩波廣被十方
釋迦牟尼佛祈請頌 F1780
證覺傳金法 方便無盡 慈恩普及眾
世衰人心亂 邪暴橫行 正道彰現難
發心渡眾廣 阻障多端 修行步履艱
悲願無一捨 垂援處處 正法弘揚盛

五方佛緣起頌 F2352
法界整體本無分 超越時空離限盡
悲憫世間眾生苦 方便說法別聖凡
任運示現佛陀處 權做法界之中心
面前背後稱東西 右手南方左側北
無限佛陀智悲融 為樹楷模說界面
五智四悲顯層面 立五方佛分表之
毗盧遮那佛居中 彰顯法界體性智
大日如來遍照恩 圓融四悲恆普渡
東方阿閦佛不動 大圓鏡智如斯現
眾生罪苦無可執 運法緣悲醒迷渡
南方寶生佛德滿 平等性智遍施眾
眾生佛陀原一體 順生緣悲廣益渡
西方阿彌陀佛尊 妙觀察智了因緣
淨土安養令開悟 同體大悲包容渡

文殊菩薩讚 F1097
文殊妙智 F1097

普賢菩薩祈請頌 F2328
禮敬諸佛普賢身 稱讚如來普賢語
廣修供養普賢福 懺悔業障普賢誠
隨喜功德普賢惠 請轉法輪普賢念
請佛住世普賢慈 常隨佛學普賢謙
恆順眾生普賢恩 普皆迴向普賢德
塵即法界普賢智 爆破時空普賢體
觀音慈悲普賢願 文殊智慧普賢巧
勢至大力普賢能 萬德圓融普賢行
普賢大圓滿偈 F1206
當下現成 離是絕非
不待修證 私盡方契

藥師讚頌 F1374
十二大願 護導群生 但聞聖號息災厄
淨琉璃身 照曜法界 恭敬供養離怖畏
大陀羅尼 滅除眾苦 虔持常念得安穩
十二大將 衛護淨信 燃燈誦經續慧命
藥師琉璃光如來啟請頌 F1336
十二大願 體貼入微 唯佛能如斯
十二大將 周密保全 唯尊能感召
北斗七星 消災延壽 唯尊能化現
藥師七佛 開合自在 唯佛能圓通

日光月光菩薩讚 F2335
日光遍照破冥頑 空慧消執日融雪
陽和溫暖回春力 超拔罪苦出輪迴
月光遍照暗夜輝 慈拂群生免荼毒
清涼寧靜導愚迷 如母牽子令知歸

彌陀讚頌 F1264
阿彌陀佛祈請頌 F0296
長壽佛啟請頌 F1436
觀音讚頌 F1265
大悲勝海密智母 四臂開展四事業
五輪五尊恆轉法 智悲圓融普門渡
五色寶光照法界 眾生咸蒙慈祐護
諸佛悲心之總匯 有情遇難皆呼救
觀世音菩薩啟請頌 F1301
觀音讚對聯 F2194
千處祈求千處應 苦海常作渡人舟
百回呼救百回允 迷途屢充指路燈
金剛手菩薩讚 F1469
威猛執金剛 總聆誓句 監護空行海眾
腕踝龍繞嚴 勢懾天王 藥叉咸來依附
智悲圓融際 力大勢至 救渡事業開展
花甲蔭壽戒 四肢龍盤 恩庇住世護生
大勢至菩薩祈請頌 F2105

讚千手觀音聯 F1506
千手觀音禮讚 F1446
彌陀頂嚴示無二 憫眾頭裂悲甚深
千處祈救千處應 千手觀音前頂禮
忿容俯視眾心魔 正見威震除我執
慈悲喜捨降四魔 千手觀音前頂禮
九面三層渡三界 一體三面智悲力
千手千眼方便廣 千手觀音前頂禮
六道眾苦無止歇 渴求慈祐賜解脫
無盡慈悲未暫捨 千手觀音前頂禮

准提佛母讚 F1762
三目十八臂 安坐蓮花上
淨居天上擁 二龍王下持
融通智悲深 普濟救渡廣
能出生諸佛 眾生咸皈仰
准提佛母祈請頌 F1762

祈請智、悲、力三德加持偈 F0012

地藏讚頌 F1263
恆沙誓願 救拔群生 渡盡方證真
功德利益 不可思議 有緣咸蒙恩
億萬方便 不捨罪眾 分身遍法界
大力威神 承佛咐囑 救苦擔重任
地藏菩薩啟請頌 F1303

法脈皈依境啟請頌 F1319
念傳承恩 F2326
人身非永存 法脈何以續
世間忙溫飽 誰肯棄營謀
慈悲護苦眾 傳法渡有緣
而今得值佛 當體祖師心

護法關公啟請頌 F1397
忠義正氣垂典範 環宇華人咸敬仰
伽藍菩薩盡職守 佛法傳續賴護衛
護法翼德公 F1229
護法玄德公 F1792
禮賢行仁眾心歸 寧陷艱險不捨眾
桃園結義匡漢室 兄弟齊心扶法脈
開食偈 A0346
普賢王如來壇城法脈皈依境祈請頌 F2150
本來清淨無限一體中 普賢王如來父母示現
智悲雙運妙相表法身 法流任運教化大千界
為渡輪回六道諸苦眾 創立佛法釋迦牟尼尊
無上密法安立於雪域 恩源虹身蓮花生祖師
以身供師無上大樂母 曼達拉娃垂教示楷模
為師作傳總集密法藏 移喜磋嘉弘傳密教恩
法脈始祖根本上師三 諾那活佛開示大圓滿
貢噶祖師大灌授四印 親尊師祖灌盡五百尊
本來清淨文殊陳祖師 顯密圓融弘揚三乘恩
苦行證德歷代所罕見 慈住娑婆但為渡眾生
金剛蓮華觀音林上師 深入淺出廣闡經論旨
法行服務教化東西方 法脈金法延續一肩擔
無微不至照拂護法恩 韋馱菩薩提攜一路跟
前程安排仰賴毗沙門 萬事交代多虧海龍王
具誓鐵匠多吉勒巴尊 如護蓮師扶持密法根
忠義關公伽藍大護法 一本赤忱除障安法脈
法脈安立但為渡苦眾 法脈延續唯仰諸尊祐
皈依法脈融入菩提心 弘揚法脈渡眾報宏恩
祈祐偈 F0014
敬禮大恩門一切依護 總集文殊示現陳祖師
祈加被善信令得如願 離苦得樂福慧咸增長
敬禮大恩門一切依護 總集文殊示現陳祖師
祈加被空行令得安穩 離苦得樂福慧速圓滿
祈加持頌 F2234
敬禮大恩門一切依怙 總集觀音示現林上師
令我隨緣開顯貪自性 賜我早日證達明空樂
應機救渡長住虹光身 開示妙法普渡六道眾
韋馱菩薩啟請頌 F0013
護持佛法大將軍 四大天王咸追隨
漢地寺宇普供奉 顯揚聖教無餘力
眷顧行人為親子 適時鼓勵與補給
如護陳師未暫離 恩光及我以利眾
大海龍王讚 F0122
大海龍王祈請頌 F1326
迴向 F0028
祈請林上師長住世偈 F1320
本來清淨瑜伽士 雙運妙化蓮華生
空樂大喜無等倫 願祈師壽恒駐世
祈請林上師長久住世永轉法輪偈 F1468
蓮師密法依尊傳 文殊慧燈依尊續
唐密精義依尊明 祈師長壽轉法輪
傳承綿延廣化偈 F1321
代代相傳正法髓 承先啟后轉法輪
綿延法脈聖眾守 遍照普濟無盡燈
佛法常明廣佈祈願頌 F2338
五毒籠罩六道陷愚迷 願眾因苦轉求解脫道
世間無解流連徒勞累 願眾醒悟出纏離顧慮
一切無常無有能掌控 願眾警覺無復計短長
佛理難悟修途多歧異 願眾開慧捨執達圓融
身心糾結層層似蠶繭 願眾解結修途能堅持
私執未滅證悟欠圓滿 願眾無我精進便證達
圓證法身智悲難思議 願眾成佛救渡無限盡

Praises for Monastery Visits
Selected Works from The Study for the Cultivation of Harmony
Compiled in Chinese by Disciple Mi En
English version compiled by Disciple Ji Hu

1. Entrance Gate

Praise to Generals Heng and Ha E0265
Powerful Vajra holder, the King of Yaksha
And Narayana, the King of Solidity
Pronouncing Hong to grant accomplishment
And uttering A to indicate original purity
Guarding entrance to monasteries with awesome might
2. The Hall of Heavenly Kings

Praise to Maitreya Buddha P1450
Smiling face born of merciful heart
Outreaching to establish Dharma connections with all
And none will not be embraced and accommodated
Sustaining the Dharma out of compassion for suffering beings
Ready to render services as soon as needy occasions arise
No leisure for a stable and long sitting
All reduced to cognition is equal to all reduced to Blank Essence
Wisdom transcendence through analyzing phenomena into details
The Five Treatises remain classic texts for Buddhist studies
Salvation and conversion without limits and ending
Born into the inner court of Tusita Heaven and
Coming again to spread Dharma to the world

Praise to the Four Great Heavenly Kings P0120
Protector of the Land constantly secures peace and harmony
Increasing Growth cultivates prosperity to be shared and enjoyed
Broad Eyes open wide to observe all things in the Dharmadhatu
Well Known provides universal alms to benefit the great cosmos

Supplication to Bodhisattva Wei-Tuo P0010
Protector of Buddha Dharma, a great knight,
Followed by the Four Cardinal Heavenly Kings,
Worshipped in all Chinese monasteries,
Help spread holy Dharma with all your might!
You hold practitioners to be your children,
Always give timely encouragement and provision.
Just as you helped Guru Yogi Chen all the way,
Please keep me in your favor to benefit all!
3. The Towers of Bell and Drum
Bell and Drum Resonating in Harmony A0356
Bell and drum resonate as conditions gathered proper;
Wherever is not a place for cultivation of harmony?
Supplication for Offering of Incense P1617
Offering incense to fumigate the whole Dharmadhatu
All sentient beings are thus adorned with fragrant light
Single-mindedly reciting "Amitabha" leads one home
Extending guidance to all beings as conditions suitable
Supplication for Offering of Lamps P1572
Offering of lamps illuminates the whole Dharmadhatu
Darkness of ignorant delusions at once swept away
Lamps of Bodhi Mind shine upon all sentient beings
Wisdom life of all Buddhas passes on like lamps spreading
Supplication for Offering of Water P1616
Offering of water moisturizes the whole Dharmadhatu
As clouds flow and rains pour all beings are benefitted
Nectar of Bodhi spreads to nourish wisdom lives
Wherever flows of Dharma reached Buddha sprouts rise

4. The Main Shrine Hall

Praise to Sakyamuni Buddha P1377
A crown price could have renounced the kingdom
Awakened early to illusive nature of worldly glories
In prime years departed from his beloved ones
Sought early the salvation from worldly sufferings
Through ascetic practices realized the Middle Path
Great wisdom transcended worldly dualistic approaches
Attained full enlightenment and pacified all devil harassments
Great compassion no longer sustained antagonism
Guiding beings according to their propensities and capabilities
Great mercy imbued with skillful ways of guidance
Roamed around to provide enlightened guidance till end of life
Great power rendered endless salvation to all beings
Teachings passed down from generation to generation through ages
Graceful waves spread far and wide in the ten directions
Supplication to Sakyamuni Buddha P1378
Attained full enlightenment and transmitted golden Dharma
Endowed with endless ways of providing suitable guidance
Your compassionate grace universally spreads to all beings
World in turmoil and people are confused and worried
Evil views and violent activities prevail in abundance
Right path of Dharma could hardly become prominent
With Bodhi aspiration to save sentient beings far and wide
Yet hindrances and difficulties arose from many directions
Practicing Dharma in this world is step-by-step hindered
Compassionate vows would leave no one behind
Grant us blessings here and there, everywhere
So that the right Dharma will propagate in prosperity

Stanza on Dependent Origination of Buddhas in Five Directions P1629
Totality of Dharmadhatu is originally indivisible,
Transcending time and space, without limitation and ending;
Born of compassion for suffering beings in worldly realms,
Pedagogical teachings set out, distinguishing saints and mortals.
Wherever Buddha appears,
′Tis taken as the center of Dharmadhatu,
In his front and back are called east and west,
To his right-hand side south, and left side north.
Boundless Buddha harmonized and unified wisdom and compassion,
To set up epitome, aspects are illustrated;
Five Wisdoms and Four Compassions are aspects and levels,
Five Buddhas are established to characterize these, respectively.
Vairocana Tathagata at the center,
Illustrating Essence-of-Dharmadhatu Wisdom;
Illuminating universally is the grace of Great Sun Tathagata,
Harmonized and unified Four Compassions in everlasting and universal salvation.
In the east is the immovable Akshobhya Tathagata,
Great-Round-Mirror Wisdom displays whatever as it is;
Sins and sufferings of beings cannot be grasped,
Applying Dharma-Conditions Compassion in awakening salvation.
In the south is the Ratnasambhava Tathagata, full of merits,
Wisdom of Equanimity grants blessings to all beings equally;
Sentient beings and Buddhas are originally in oneness,
In Sentient-Beings-Conditions Compassion benefitting all abundantly in salvation.
In the west is the Amitabha Tathagata,
Wisdom of Wondrous-Observation comprehends all causal connections;
In Pureland cultivates beings in safe environment till full awakening,
In Great Compassion of Oneness carrying out salvation through all-embracing tolerance.
In the north is the Amoghasiddhi Tathagata,
Wisdom of Accomplishing-Deeds enables guidance and conversions;
Even those without causal connections are not forsaken for a moment,
In Great Compassion of No-Connections salvation is done through Grace of Mercy.
Having taken refuge in the Five Buddhas and prostrated to them,
Comprehending wisdom and compassion as they illustrate, what profound grace!
Even as an unworthy disciple still graceful blessings bestowed,
Only in diligent practices to follow such epitomes in salvation of beings can we repay!

Praise to Manjusri Bodhisattva E0080
Bodhisattva Manjusri swings the sword of Wisdom,
Sorrows of sentient beings in all directions are cut off!
Bodhisattva Manjusri enunciates the Lion's Roar,
Upon hearing it sentient beings at all times are awakened!
Bodhisattva Manjusri always remembered,
Even trapped in the mire of five pollutions one remains spotless!
Bodhisattva Manjusri is the savior,
Comprehending all phenomena as of Blank Essence, one escapes Samsara!
Wondrous Wisdom of Manjusri E0080
Wondrous Wisdom profound, thorough and free from grasping to forms,
Amid forms create applications that could extensively benefit sentient beings.
Myriads of things are used at ease as they arise to provide Dharma teachings.
As nothing is not accommodated the Wisdom of Sunyata would be realized.

Praise to Samantabhadra Bodhisattva P1621
Homage to all Buddhas, Samantabhadra′s activity
Praising Tathagata, Samantabhadra′s speech
Extensively conducting offerings, Samantabhadra′s merits
Repenting karmic hindrances, Samantabhadra′s sincerity
Rejoicing in all meritorious deeds, Samantabhadra′s generosity
Pleading for Turning the Wheel of Dharma, Samantabhadra′s intention
Pleading to Buddhas for their staying in this world, Samantabhadra′s mercy
Constantly learning from Buddha, Samantabhadra′s humbleness
Always accommodating to sentient beings, Samantabhadra′s grace
Universal dedication of merits to all beings, Samantabhadra′s virtue
Recognizing a dust as identical to the Dharmadhatu, Samantabhadra′s wisdom
Exploding away spatial and temporal limitations, Samantabhadra′s unity
Compassion of Avalokitesvara, Samantabhadra′s vows
Wisdom of Manjusri, Samantabhadra′s skills
Great might of Mahasthamaprapta, Samantabhadra′s capacity
Myriads of merits harmonized into oneness, Samantabhadra′s salvation activities
All Good Great Perfection P0019
Right now readily accomplished,
Neither right nor wrong;
No waiting for practice or attainment,
Unified only after Self disappeared.
5. The Hall of Medicine Guru Buddha

Praise to the Medicine Guru Buddha P1130
Namo Medicine Guru Buddha of Lapis Lazuli Light
Great vows twelve in number, guarding and guiding all beings;
Mishaps and misfortunes fade away upon hearing thy holy name.
Pure body of lapis lazuli light, brightening the whole Dharmadhatu;
Worshipping it with offerings in reverence yields freedom from fear.
Great mantra of secret power, pacifying and eradicating all suffering;
Repeating it devoutly and constantly brings peace and harmony.
Guarding generals twelve in number, protecting the pure and faithful ones;
Offering lamps and reciting the sutra will prolong life of wisdom.
Holy Medicine Guru Buddha emits pure lights,
Spiritual nature of sentient beings in all directions are revealed!
Holy Medicine Guru Buddha enunciates clear sounds,
Sorrows of sentient beings at all times are eradicated!
Holy Medicine Guru Buddha always remembered,
Suffering of illnesses and dangers to life will all be pacified!
Holy Medicine Guru Buddha is the savior,
Calamities extinguished, life prolonged, and Bodhi attained!
Medicine Guru Buddha, the father who leaves no details untouched!
Medicine Guru Buddha, the father who comes in person to teach!
Medicine Guru Buddha, the father who has corrected my posture!
Medicine Guru Buddha, the father who empathizes so subtly!
Supplication to Medicine Guru Buddha P1109
Twelve Great Vows, being considerate to all details, only Buddha can do so
Twelve Great Generals, safeguarding all too well, only Your Holiness can inspire
Seven Stars of Big Dipper, pacifying calamity and prolonging life, only Your Holiness can display
Seven Buddhas of Medicine Guru, expanding and unifying at will, only Buddha can master oneness

Praises to Sun and Moon Bodhisattvas P1624
Sun Ray Shinning Universally breaks blinding stubbornness
Wisdom of Sunyata diminishes grasping like sun melts snow
Sun warmth exerts the power of bringing Spring back
Salvaging beings in suffering for sins out of transmigration
Moon Ray Shinning Universally lights up the dark night
Compassionately spares beings from suffering in poisons
Cool and tranquil is His way of guiding deluded lost ones
Just as a mother holding her child by hand to lead back home
6. The Hall of Amitabha Buddha

Praise to Amitabha Buddha P0007
Amitabha Buddha emits pure lights,
Spiritual nature of sentient beings in all directions are revealed!
Amitabha Buddha enunciates clear sounds,
Sorrows of sentient beings at all times are eradicated!
Amitabha Buddha always remembered,
Even trapped in the mire of sorrows one is still spotless!
Amitabha Buddha is the mentor,
Rebirth in Pureland and full enlightenment are at hand!
Supplication to Amitabha Buddha P0207
"A" signifies original purity; all things are void of self-nature.
Harmonizing in oneness, light and life are both boundless.
Compassionately inducing all beings to return to Pureland,
Sentient beings currently present are exactly Amitabhas.

Supplication to Longevity Buddha P1178
The world is in such turmoil and so many are still ignorant and deluded,
To practice Dharma, attain realization, and spread teachings are difficult.
Human existence is like a flame fluctuating at the mercy of blowing wind,
This physical body, day by day, is only becoming feebler and deteriorated.
May Longevity Buddha all Dharma practitioners well care for as offspring,
Let their lives be as solid and indestructible as the Wisdom Vajra of Tantra,
So they may attain full and perfect enlightenment and then help all the rest,
Long stay in this suffering world to serve as the guardian of sentient beings.
Praise to Red Chenrezig P0008
Extramundane Great Compassion Ocean in union
With Secret Wisdom Dakini,
Using four arms to expand salvation activities
In pacifying, enriching, inducing or eradicating;
Endowed with five Yidams in the five chakras
Constantly turning the wheel of the Dharma,
Wisdom and Compassion fused in limitless-oneness
To rescue all beings in countless inconceivable ways;
Shining forth luminous lights of five colors
To enlighten the whole Dharmadhatu,
Sentient beings are all under the warm blessing
Of merciful protection and guidance;
The inexhaustible fountain of the compassionate minds
Of all Buddhas in the past, present and future;
All beings in peril or despair would call out
To Great Chenrezig for help and refuge!
With transformations appearing all over the Dharmadhatu,
There is no limit in space for your manifestation;
Compassion stemming from oneness in Dharmakaya,
There is no limit in time for your salvation activities;
Unifying Original Purity and Joy in Vajrayana initiations,
The ultimate Bodhicitta is planted and nourished;
Merging into the limitless non-dual state through
Displaying illumination born of original purity.
Oh, Extramundane Great Compassion Ocean
In union with Secret Wisdom Dakini,
Bless us, the sentient beings suffering in endless transmigration!
Supplication to Bodhisattva Guan Yin P1084
Practicing deep wisdom of Blank Essence, and thereby transcending all sufferings.
All things being originally pure, observing sounds to enter deep tranquility.
Wisdom and compassion in harmony, retracing sounds to save beings from dangers.
Applying thirty-two kinds of responses to resolve sentient beings' ignorant grasping.
Couplet in Praise of Guan Yin P1592
Thousand places praying got responses in all thousand places
Constantly serving as life-saver boat in the ocean of suffering
Hundred times calling for help got consents all hundred times
Repeatedly serving as path-finding lamp on disoriented routes
Praise to Vajrapani P1202
Awesome and powerful Vajrapani
Listening to all vows pledged by Dakinis
And serving as the guardian to all in the ocean of Dakinis
Wrists and ankles adorned with dragons surrounding
Forceful manner instilling respect in Heavenly King
All Yaksas come to surround and rely on you
In perfect harmony of wisdom and compassion
Power profound and impacts emerge
Salvation activities expand wider and wider
On my sixtieth birthday you blessed the longevity ring
Granted me the adornment of dragons around my limbs
Thanks to your grace I stay in this world to protect beings
Supplication to Bodhisattva Da Shi Zhi P1554
Adorned by fragrance and light through constant remembrance of Buddha
Incessant repetition of Buddha's epithet leads into complete enlightenment
Skillful means of Vajra nature are born of merciful compassion
Constantly follow Buddha's activities to save all sentient beings from suffering
7. The Hall of Guan Yin

Couplets in Praise of Thousand-hand Guan Yin P1612
Thousand hands with thousand eyes yet only one mind and one intention to save beings from sufferings
Great mercy and great compassion naturally transform into myriads forms and ways to convert beings
Prostration in Praise of Thousand-arm Guan Yin P1185
Amitabha Buddha atop to indicate non-duality,
Profound compassion caused head to split into many,
Supplications from thousand places all got responded,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!
Wrathful countenance looking down at evils in our minds,
The power of right view scatters away grasping to a self,
Mercy, compassion, joy and renunciation pacified all evils,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!
Nine faces at three levels to save beings in the Three Realms,
Three facets as embodiment of wisdom, compassion and power,
Thousand arms with thousand eyes to carry out boundless salvation,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!
Sufferings of beings in the Six Realms are incessant,
We are desperate for liberation through your graceful salvation,
Endless compassion has never forsaken any being for a second,
We prostrate to the Thousand-arm Guan Yin!

Praise to Buddha Mother Zhun Ti P1369
With three eyes and eighteen arms
Sitting peacefully on a blooming lotus
Surrounded above by Pure Abode gods
Supported below by two Dragon Kings
Harmonized Wisdom and Compassion profound
Universal salvation of suffering beings expansive
Capable of giving birth to all Buddhas
All sentient beings adore and take refuge in thee
Supplication to Buddha Mother Zhun Ti P1369
Variegated are sentient beings' sufferings and calamities
Resolution requires expansive skillful means
Drastically diversified are sentient beings' propensities
Enlightenment depends on union of wisdom and compassion
Layers over layers are sentient beings' hindrances
Elimination requires vehement awesome powers
Step by step difficulties encountered on the practice path
Sustained guidance depends on deep-rooted mercy
Great Buddha Mother, capable of giving birth to Buddhas
Only Your Holiness fully possesses unsurpassable virtues
At this juncture of decayed Dharma, beings are confused
Please bestow Your Grace to enlighten each and every one

Supplication to the Trinity of Wisdom, Compassion and Might P0016
Wisdom of Manjusri sheds light on my mind;
Grant me original purity to see all things as they are.
Compassion of Avalokitesvara with tears moistens my mind;
Grant me innocence to become free from grumbling.
Might of Mahasthamaprapta shakes my mind;
Grant me awakening to become free from attachment.
The Trinity of Wisdom, Compassion and Might in harmony,
Grant me merits of Enlightenment to salvage sentient beings.
8. The Hall of Earth Treasure Bodhisattva

Praise to the Earth Treasure Bodhisattva P0006
With great vows of salvation as numerous as sands of the Ganges,
Devoted to the rescue of all beings suffering in transmigration,
Willing to attain Enlightenment only after all others have so attained,
Earth Treasure, the great Bodhisattva of compassionate vows!
His merits, benevolence and benefits, all so inconceivable;
Seeing, gazing, saluting, prostrating to his statue brings peace,
Hearing, reciting, chanting, remembering his name yields grace;
Earth Treasure, the great Bodhisattva of compassionate vows!
With expedient means numbered in billions of trillions,
Never thought of giving up the attempts to help sinful beings;
Everywhere in the Dharmadhatu appears some of his transformations;
Earth Treasure, the great Bodhisattva of compassionate vows!
Mighty power with awe-inspiring presence is his to command;
The solemn and arduous career to salvage suffering beings
With Buddha's approval and appointment is his to sustain;
Earth Treasure, the great Bodhisattva of compassionate vows!
Supplication to Bodhisattva Earth Treasure P1086
Capable of converting the difficult-to-convert ones, and rescuing beings at each recurrence of their fallings.
Entering mud without being polluted, hells transmit lights of original purity.
Having unified and harmonized the limitless oneness, thus through Your Holiness we abide in compassion.
Engaging in salvation activities through kalpas, laboring so much that you had forgotten about attaining Buddhahood.
9. The Hall of Patriarchs

Lineage Refuge Tree Supplication P1097
Original Purity, oh, Patriarch Guru Chen!
Vajra Lotus, oh, Guru Lin!
The Right Dharma lineage of Manjusri and Guan Yin,
Harmonized wisdom and compassion to spread everywhere!
Gratitude to Lineage Grace E0266
Human bodies last not forever;
How could Dharma lineage linger?
People are all busy for living better;
Who would renounce such endeavor?
Protecting suffering beings out of compassion;
Propagating Dharma to recipients ready and willing.
Now we have the good fortune to learn Dharma,
Appreciation of patriarchs′ kindness is due to ensue.
10. The Hall of Bodhisattva Qie Lan

Supplication to Protector Guan Gong P1148
Long set the epitome of righteous loyalty for generations,
Chinese all over the world pay respect and tribute to you!
Bodhisattva Qie Lan attends well to all calls of his duties,
Propagation and continuation of Dharma depends on you!
The Honorable Protector Yi De P1032
Repeating mantra and emitting lights to bless all beings,
Amid an altar hall that harmonized Sutras and Tantras,
Protector Yi De appeared with awesome posture,
Snake-spearhead lance thrusts through all hindrances!
The Honorable Protector Xuan De P1382
Humble to capable ones and practiced merciful ways
People's minds were drawn toward your leadership
Rather remained in dangerous and difficult situations
Than to renounce your faithful followers and subjects
Sworn to remain faithful brothers in the peach garden
And helped sustain the Han Dynasty through perils
For the sake of all beings brothers of one mind sworn
To guard and support our pure and genuine Dharma lineage
11. Monastic Dinning Hall
Starting Meals Gatha A0346
To beseech sooner attainment of full enlightenment for all beings, this meal is offered to all Buddhas;
To enable sooner attainment of full enlightenment for all beings, this meal is consumed into one body.
12. Dedication of Merits
Supplication to the Refuge Tree of the Dharma Lineage of Adi Buddha Mandala P1575
Amid limitless oneness of original purity
Father and Mother in union, Adi Buddha appears
Harmony of wisdom and compassion
The wondrous image represents Dharmakaya
As the flow of Dharma spreads naturally
The whole Dharmadhatu is blessed through conversion
To liberate all suffering beings from transmigration in the six realms
Sakyamuni Buddha founded the Dharma teachings
Tantric teachings without peers well established in the snow land
The source of such grace is the rainbow-body Padmasambhava
Offered body to Guru, the unsurpassable mother of great pleasure
Mandarava set example to reveal profound teachings
Compiled biography and essential teachings of Guru Rinpoche
Yeshe Tsogyal spread and continued the Tantric teachings
Root Gurus of the founder of our Dharma lineage are three holy ones
Nona Tulku revealed to Guru Chen the Great Perfection
Patriarch Gangkar transmitted Four Seals through great initiations
Patriarch Papong Khyentse bestowed over five hundred initiations
Patriarch Chen, Manjusri of Original Purity
Harmonized Sutrayana and Tantrayana to propound the three-yanas-in-one
Accomplished in austerity and attainment that are rare over the ages
Compassionately stays in this suffering world just to save all beings
Guru Lin, Guan Yin of Vajra Lotus
Expressed profound teachings in simple words
Widely expounded the essence of many Dharma teachings
Through Dharma services of all sorts
Spreading the teachings to the East and the West
Continuation and sustenance of the golden teachings
Of our lineage rest squarely on his shoulders
Taking care of all details is the grace of our lineage protectors
Leading us all the way is the Wei Tuo Bodhisattva
Arranging matters ahead depends on Heavenly King Vaisravana
Trusting with all matters relies on the Dragon King of Pacific Ocean
Oath-bound blacksmith, the Honorable Damchen Dorje Legpa
Holding up this root of Tantra just as he protected Guru Rinpoche
Just and loyal Guan Gong, the great protector of monasteries
Continue to display your loyalty by removing hindrances to the lineage
Establishment of our lineage is simply for salvation of suffering beings
Continuation of our lineage all depends on the blessing of these holy ones
Through taking refuge in our lineage we merge into Bodhicitta
We spread teachings of our lineage to convert suffering beings
And in their salvation is our reward to the profound compassionate grace
A Prayer for Yogi Chen's Blessings P0014
Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage
As unified in Guru Chen, a personification of Manjusri.
Pray the faithful ones be blessed with wishes fulfilled;
May they from suffering depart and happiness gain,
Forever merits accumulate and wisdom grow.
Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage
As unified in Patriarch Chen, a personification of Manjusri.
Pray the Dakinis be blessed with peace and stability;
May they from suffering depart and happiness gain,
Soon merits accumulate and wisdom grow to fulfillment.
Supplication to Guru Lin for Blessing P1607
Prostration to all refuges of the great grace lineage
As unified in Guru Lin, a personification of Guan Yin
Grant me realization of original purity of greed as it arises
Bless me to attain unity of clarity and selfless nature of joy
Abiding in rainbow body to extend salvation upon suitable vessels
Revealing wondrous teachings to save all beings in the six realms
Supplication to Bodhisattva Wei-Tuo P0010
Protector of Buddha Dharma, a great knight,
Followed by the Four Cardinal Heavenly Kings,
Worshipped in all Chinese monasteries,
Help spread holy Dharma with all your might!
You hold practitioners to be your children,
Always give timely encouragement and provision.
Just as you helped Guru Yogi Chen all the way,
Please keep me in your favor to benefit all!
Praise to the Dragon King P0050
The compassion of Dragon King's mind is deeper than oceans;
Rain and dew drops showered everywhere to moisten the world.
Receiving vase offerings to promote aspirations toward Bodhi,
Sentient beings with lucky connections are all blessed by thy grace.
Supplication to the Dragon King P1102
Dragon King and Dragon Queen sustained compassion profound.
Spreading and propagating the Dharma, they took care of chores.
Without overlooking matters major or minor, they guarded well.
Their grace spread the world over, and their virtuous favors last!
13. Dedication of Merits
Dedication of Merits E0096
May virtuous gurus remain with us and those departed return soon!
May perverse views and violence soon become extinct and Dharma spread without hindrance!
May all beings proceed diligently on the path and achieve Buddhahood before death!
May all beings develop Great Compassion and never regress until they reach perfect Buddhahood!
May all beings develop Great Wisdom and never regress until they reach perfect Buddhahood!
Longevity prayer for Vajra Lotus Buddha P1098
Oh, originally pure yogi you are!
Wonderful conversion through Ewam as the Lotus-born Guru;
The great joy in Sunyata is peerless,
May the Holy Guru live long and abide in this world!
Supplication to Guru Lin for Long Stay in the World and Everlasting Turning of the Dharma Wheel P1203
Tantric teachings of Guru Rinpoche rely on Your Reverence to pass on,
Wisdom lamp of Manjusri relies on Your Reverence to continue shinning,
Marrow of Tang Tantras relies on Your Reverence to reveal and explicate,
Please stay long in this world to benefit all with your salvation activities!
Ever Spreading of the Lineage P1101
Marrow of the Right Dharma passed down from generation to generation,
Succeeding predecessors and leading followers to turn the Dharma Wheel,
Everlasting pure lineage guided by holy Gurus and guarded by Protectors,
A never-ending lamp shining through everywhere to enlighten all beings!
Stanza on Constant Illumination and Wide Spreading of Dharma P1626
Engulfed in the Five Poisons, sentient beings in the Six Realms are trapped in delusions;
May all in sufferings thereby turn to seek the path of emancipation!
Worldly problems having no solutions, lingering therein will gain only toil and distress in vain;
May all become awaken and escape from entanglements without further deliberations and cares!
All are impermanent and there is no possibility of control and management on changing;
May all become keenly aware of this and no longer linger in comparisons and calculations!
Essence of Dharma difficult to comprehend and paths of Dharma practices are variant and at odds;
May all mature in Wisdom to renounce partial grasping and reach harmonious comprehension!
Intertwining knots of body and mind have been accumulated, layers over layers, like a cocoon;
May all sustain resolution in resolving all such knots on the path of Dharma practices!
Personal grasping, not extinguished, attainment of enlightenment lacks full completion;
May all, through diligent Dharma practices, readily attain the state of non-self!
Full attainment of Dharmakaya yields incomprehensible display of Wisdom and Compassion;
May all attain Full Enlightenment to conduct salvation activities without limits and ending!
May All Beings Attain Enlightenment Soon!
December 19, 2019
Updated on September 5, 2021

December 19, 2019
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